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Auto Insurance


Feel protected on the family road-trip or tailgating at the game.

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Let the road take you wherever you want to go.

The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or any other covered event. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses resulting from injury, loss of life, or property damage caused by an accident involving your vehicle.

Allegiance will work with you to get the best coverage for your car by shopping our large variety of carriers and policies. To learn more about auto insurance, and what you may need, you can read our educational information below.

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Auto Insurance

What is auto insurance?

An auto insurance policy is a contract between you and an insurance company. You pay a premium, and in exchange, the insurance company promises to pay for specific car-related financial losses during the term of the policy. There are specific kinds of insurance for Motor Homes & RVs, Motorcycles, and Classic Cars. 

Why do I need it?

Auto insurance requirements vary by state, some states requiring more than others. Even in states where coverage isn’t required, drivers must, by law, be able to pay for losses they cause others. Having insurance is the simplest way for most people to comply. To finance a car, it is usually necessary to have insurance which covers damage to your vehicle, passengers, or others’ property.

What do I have to have? States usually require…

Liability Coverage

You are required to have insurance that pays for losses that you cause others. 

No-Fault Coverage

This pays for you and your passengers’ medical and related expenses caused by injuries from a car accident, regardless of who is at fault.

Liability & No-Fault

Some states require you to have both of these coverages.

What are common kinds of coverage?


Collision Insurance

Collision insurance coverage pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident. Standard collision coverage will pay for any repairs up to the fair market value of your car. Collision coverage usually also comes with an insurance deductible. It’s the amount of money you pay toward repairs before your collision insurance kicks in. The higher the deductible you’re willing to pay, the less the collision coverage will cost.


Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive insurance covers damage done to your car in some way other than a collision, such as if it were stolen or vandalized. Flood, hurricane, theft, windshield damage and fire are also events usually covered by comprehensive car insurance. Like collision, comprehensive will pay up to the fair market value of your car. Although it’s not legally required by any state, almost all car financers or lenders require some form of insurance.

What if I have a camper used for family vacations I need to cover?

Because of the different uses and worries, we have different policies and coverage available for campers, RVs, but also for motorcycles and classic cars. See these under our services section under “Vehicles.”

You and your car
have places to be

Whether you’re driving in fast-paced New York City streets, avoiding deer along backroads in Wisconsin, or cruising along the California coast, you shouldn’t have to worry about what could happen to your car. Free your mind of worry, and explore the road.

Drive until you run out of road, knowing you’re covered even past that.

Get My Auto Quote

Allegiance Insurance Services, your one-stop insurance shop in Burr Ridge, Illinois

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